Archives 2025

Mass times for w/c 9th February

(Sunday year C and weekday year 1)

The order of the Mass

Monday February 10th – Mass @ 10.00am (Feast of St Scholastica)

Wednesday February 12th – Mass @ 6.00pm

Friday February 14th – Mass @ 10.00am (Feast of Ss Cyril and Methodius)

Friday February 14th – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (2.00-4.00pm)

Saturday February 15th – Vigil Mass @ 6.30pm

Sunday February 16th – Sunday Mass @ 11am

A Reflection for the Week

Isaiah, Peter and Paul are three
Of the most important people in scripture.
All three had a deep sense of unworthiness.
Yet all three went on the do great things for God.
Give us the humility to acknowledge our sin,
And the strength to rise above them.
Then we will have the joy of discovering
that it is when we are weak that we are strong,
because your power becomes available to us.

General Information on Baptisms/Weddings and the Sacrament of Reconciliation

An act of contrition is advised by the Holy Father. Confession upon request after Saturday evening mass.

How to make a good confession

Arranged by appointment only. Families must live within the parish boundary
You will be asked for your Baptism Certificate, and God Parents must be Catholic and you must live in the parish.


Arranged by appointment, with at least twelve months notice being given. The Bride or Groom must be a Catholic and live within the parish boundary and be an active member of the parish. (Not to be arranged for a Sunday).