Category General Information

A Reflection for the Week

St John Henry Newman prayer to Our Lady

O Mother of Jesus, and my mother, let me dwell with you,
Cling to you and love you with ever increasing love.
I promise the honour, love and trust of a child.

Give me a mother’s protection, for I need your watchful care.
You know better than any other the thoughts of the Sacred Heart.
Keep constantly before my mind the same thoughts, the same desires,
That my heart may be filled with zeal for the interests of the Sacred Heart of your Divine Son .

Instil in me a love that is noble, that I may no longer be turned to selfishness.

Help me dearest Mother, to acquire the virtues that God wants of me;
To forget myself always, to work solely for him, without fear of sacrifice.
I shall always rely on your help to be what Jesus wants me to be.
I am his; I am yours, my good mother !

Give me each day your holy and maternal blessing
Until my last evening on earth,
When your Immaculate Heart will present me to the heart of Jesus in Heaven,
There to love and bless you and your divine son for all eternity. Amen

General Information on Baptisms/Weddings and the Sacrament of Reconciliation

An act of contrition is advised by the Holy Father. Confession upon request after Saturday evening mass.

How to make a good confession

Arranged by appointment only. Families must live within the parish boundary
You will be asked for your Baptism Certificate, and God Parents must be Catholic and you must live in the parish.


Arranged by appointment, with at least twelve months notice being given. The Bride or Groom must be a Catholic and live within the parish boundary and be an active member of the parish. (Not to be arranged for a Sunday).